Preliminary Information
Before proceeding to purchase a vehicle, you need to know a couple of basic things about how our system is working.
Did you know that 95% of our first time customers believe that our cars have an accident or a hidden damage or some mileage discrepancy ?
This happens mostly due to the fact that our prices are lower than the market's average prices, which, for most of the customers seems to good to be true.
Please note that our company operates since 2015 and it has 14 permanent employees and 48 collaborators in all of the European Union countries where we are selling our vehicles. If our words are not sufficient, you can check our company using our credentials and you will see that everything matches.
And now, let's shortly answer to some of your questions, like why are the cars cheaper than the market's average price or why it's better to use our delivery procedure.
In 2019, the European Union legislators decided to apply some new regulations to the vehicle foreclosure business - most of the regulations doesn't have a large impact to you, the final customer, but still affect our way of doing business.
The most important of these regulations impose a limitation to a maximum profit of 25% from the acquisition price of a vehicle.
The second regulation as importance limits the private customers to purchase only one single repossessed vehicle once a year.
Our country, Spain, aligned to these regulations, alignment that impose a change in our business approach and the way we are selling our vehicles.
Even if these regulations caused a price drop, most of the customers begin to question either the legitimacy of our company or the integrity of the vehicles – that’s why our main objective was and still is to explain, as well as we can, the entire process, because there is no fraud, no accidents, no mileage discrepancies, there is just misinformation.
In accordance with these regulations it was pretty hard to continue and sell cars at our premises or in a single country, like Spain – that’s why we choose to extend this business as much as we can because there are a lot of other countries in the European Union that didn’t applied all of these regulations yet.
Our website was mostly redesigned and focused to explain the delivery procedure – a procedure that it is time-cost effective and does not impose you a limitation (except the case you are a Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch or Belgian customer, countries that are aligned to the new European Union regulations).
Of course, there are customers that are not trusting our delivery procedure and want to purchase a car using the old fashioned way – we are allowing that even if our profits will decrease exponentially but these customers will also have to support some of these limitations and some additional taxes which are added in accordance with the regulations imposed by the European Union legislation.
If you wish to find out more information about the purchase of a car at our premises in Spain, please contact our International Customer Support Office – our colleagues are there to help you understand this process as good as they can.
If you wish to purchase a vehicle using our delivery procedure, please read this entire page as the procedure is explained in a couple of easy steps – of course, you can always contact our International Customer Support Office and ask for additional information about this process too, they are always there to help you.
That being said, we hope you will have a good shopping experience on our website and will choose our services in the future.